Centre Rules.

Rules of the centre

C4F Supervised Child Contact Centre Rules of Contact These rules shall apply to all contact sessions In these rules: “Clients” means parents or family members; “Supervisors” means the C4F Centre’s Contact Supervisors; “Centre” means the C4F Contact Centre & outreach sites run by Sam Bradley


1. The use of mobile phones, pagers or other electronic communication devices during contact sessions is prohibited. Clients and Supervisors and children are required to deposit their mobile phones in a secure locker provided on arrival at the centre and retain the key until the end of the contact session.

2. To avoid uncertainty and distress for child/ren attending for contact, Clients must arrive on time otherwise the contact session will be cancelled and the child/ren returned home.

3. If child/ren arrive late the time difference will be made up at a later date after negotiations with the referrer, Clients and the Centre.

4. If you do not attend 2 contact sessions without informing the contact centre of a valid reason, your place will be allocated to another family.

5. Taking photographs, filming or voice recording is not permitted.

6. In the event that all parties arrive early for a contact session and the Supervisor is available, the contact session may start and finish earlier providing that transport/escorts arrangements can be amended accordingly.

7. Once clients have been advised they can leave, they must leave promptly, even if their child has not been collected. Supervisors will ensure that children are cared for until their escorts/transport arrives. On occasion, separate arrival/departure arrangements will be made at the contact agreement meeting.

8. Clients are expected to tidy up the contact room at the end of each contact session and leave the room clean and tidy for the next session.

9. No medication is to be administered during a contact session except in an emergency such as an Epi pen or Asthma pump. Clear instruction needs to be given on how to administer these. If any prescribed medication is needed then the carer/ resident parent must give it before or after the contact session.

10. When a child is taken to the toilet, the Supervisor must be able to see and hear the adult with the child at all times in the toilet/bathroom.

11. Please do not ask your children to pass gifts or belongings, money or messages (either verbally or written) to your ex -partner.

12. Clients are asked to ensure that any games/toys that they bring into the Centre are safe and age appropriate. Please DO NOT bring any balloons, flying toys, toy guns. The Centre staff reserve the right to judge whether an item is suitable to use at the Centre.

13. Only those Clients who have signed up to the written agreement with the Centre concerning the contact sessions will be able to attend the contact session. If any other person attends, they will not be permitted to attend the contact session and or allowed access to the premises.

14. No sharp objects may be brought into the building.

15. Drugs (excluding prescribed medicine) and alcohol are not permitted on the premises. Anyone known or suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or who smells of alcohol will not be admitted onto the premises.

16. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building.

17. Emotional abuse (including one parent denigrating another or interrogation of the child about the other parent) will not be tolerated and will lead to intervention by the Supervisor.

18. In the event of any threats to the children, family members or staff or behaviour that causes fear or distress to child/ren, family members or staff, the Supervisor will terminate the contact session and inform the appropriate authorities.

19. If the Supervisor is concerned about the child/rens welfare during contact, the concerns will be communicated immediately to the referrer and made known to the parent concerned.

20. Whilst every precaution is taken to guard against abduction, the Centre’s Staff will not attempt to physically restrain a person from leaving the premises with a child.

21. The Centre cannot take responsibility for private possessions and valuables brought onto the premises.

22. A member of the Centre staff must be informed of any injury to a person or breakages of property,which occur during a contact session or on the premises.

23. The C4F Supervised Contact Centre has a complaints procedure and if Clients are not satisfied with any aspect of the Services they receive, the Centre supports the Client’s right to make a complaint.

24. A copy of the Centre’s policies and procedures are located in the hallway of the Centre and are available on request.

25. Children may be given cash gifts by visiting family members up to a maximum of £20.00