Confidentiality Policy
C4F - Child Contact Centre is set out below:
Organisations making referrals to or clients using C4F will be made aware of the processes that the centre uses to:
Gather information
Record information
Disclose information
Store information
Gain access to information
Additional factors
Inter-agency working:
When C4F is engaged in joint working with other agencies, clients should be aware of what, when and how information about them is being shared.
When C4F receives a request for information, the person receiving the request must record details of the agency or person making it and the nature of the information being requested. They must also record:
Whether the consent of the relevant person was sought and obtained, sought and refused, or not sought.
The reasons for providing the information, if consent was either not obtained or refused.
Whether the person in question was subsequently informed about the information transfer.
Safeguarding and child protection:
If the centre has any concerns about or receives any information that could compromise the safety of any adult or child it is working with steps will be taken to ensure the safety of people concerned. This may involve the disclosure of information to:
Other agencies involved with safeguarding / child protection
Family members of others who could be at risk of harm/abuse.
To maintain confidentiality and to ensure the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adult photographs, video recordings cannot be taken.
All notes taken by staff or an interpreter during a contact needs to be disposed correctly by shredding the papers once finished with.
Disclosing information:
If a report is being written or a client is asking the centre toi liaise with, disclose information to or share information with any third party, statutory or voluntary agency the centre will:
Discuss the possible implications of any disclosures with the person or persons concerns before they are made.
Ascertain who will have access to the information
Ensure its staff make their line manager aware of, discuss and record any concerns relating to the disclosure of information.
C4F will remind all clients and especially those meeting in a group setting about the need for confidentiality. However it cannot guarantee that clients will comply with this request.
Client files:
All clients have the right to view their files. However, to protect the safety and confidentiality of others, no clients will have access to any information from their files that has been obtained from a third party, such as their former partner, their children or any other agency they are known to.
Transmitting information:
Transmission of personal information by fax is not permitted at any time.
C4F will have a secure system for the transmission of information by email. The email address to which is being sent to will be carefully checked and the email should include the following information:
This document is strictly confidential and is intended only for use by the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any other action taken in reliance of the information contained in this email is strictly prohibited.
If you receive this transmission in error, please use the reply function to tell us and permanently delete what you have received.
Storage of information;
All information relating to families will be;
Kept in a secure place at all times.
Disposed of after three years unless a safeguarding or child protection issue has arisen or anybody has been injured whilst using the centre.
All information relating to families will be treated as confidential waste whether it is being destroyed before or after three years has elapsed.
Guidelines for staff;
No member of staff will;
Disclose any information either seen or heard in the centre to anyone outside of the centre.
Arrange to meet or offer to provide support to any family or individual outside of the centre.
Members of staff will also inform their line manager if someone known to them either comes to or starts using the centre.
C4F referrers and users will be made aware of the existence of this policy and have access to it upon request.
C4F staff will be given a copy of this policy.
The policy will be reviewed and if necessary updated annually.