Staff Conduct, Gift & Hospitality Policy 

C4F is committed to the effective management of employee conduct and to improving and maintaining good conduct at work through developing and promoting rules, codes and procedures for handling matters of conduct in a fair, consistent and systematic way. 

  • This Code of Conduct is binding on all employees. It provides a structured framework that will enable employees to achieve and maintain the highest standards of conduct. It sets out the expected standards of behaviour of all employees. The code also aims to protect employees from misunderstanding or criticism. 

  • This Code of Conduct does not replace other employment policies, procedures, regulations and departmental rules and codes of practice operating in the Child Contact centre. 

  • The Code of Conduct complements and is consistent with current and developing policies including the: 

  • Disciplinary Procedure 

  • Dress Code 

  • Email, Intranet, and Internet Policy 

  • Equal Opportunities Policy 

  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy 

  • Grievance Procedure 

  • Harassment and Bullying Procedure 

  • Whistleblowing Procedure 

  • Zero Tolerance Policy 

The code is not a complete list of what you can and cannot do. Its aim is to set out 

clearly the basic ground rules that all employees must observe. 

  • Dress Code 

  • It is generally expected that smart business attire is worn. 

Customer facing employees meeting clients will generally be expected to wear smart 

business attire. There may be times when other clothing is more appropriate, for 

example where a client base would feel centre staff are more approachable in smart casual attire, and this can be agreed with the relevant service manager. This code 

also applies to agency staff. 

  • The Centre values and respects the religious beliefs of its employees and any 

the requirement to wear a uniform is subject to this. 

There may be occasions (e.g. hot weather, or where the physical demands of the job 

require other appropriate forms of clothing) where the dress code can be relaxed, at 

the service manager’s discretion. 

  • Proper safety equipment & clothing is compulsory where there is a health and safety 

risk (e.g. appropriate footwear). 

  • As ambassadors of C4F, it is important that staff convey a professional image and if there is any doubt as to the expectations, the service manager will confirm what is acceptable. More specifically, this may include 

  • considering the suitability of some body piercings, general appearance (e.g. unironed shirts) et 

  • The following items are not considered suitable dress (unless specifically agreed by 

the relevant Contact manager): 

  • T-shirts, 

  • Sportswear, 

  • Flip-flops 

  • Short or revealing clothing 

  • This list is not exhaustive, it is intended to give an indication of appropriate dress. We ask that all staff use their judgement and if in any doubt to please discuss with your 

  • line manager. 

Conflict of Interests 

  • A conflict of interest exists where there is a divergence between the individual 

  • interests of a person and their responsibility to C4F, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or relationships. 

  • C4F may be operated by bodies having other functions, the other functions and the nature of the body should be consistent with, and not impede, the ability of the Child Contact Centre C4F to meet these standards. 

  • It is generally inappropriate for staff who may work with a family in another role as one or both of the parents may cease to view the service as independent in relation to the dispute or difficulty. 

  • All staff are orientated to the conflict-of-interest procedures during the staff member’s induction, for example through accounts of real examples of conflict of interest situations to assist in the process of highlighting the importance and definition of conflict of interest in the Centres context. 

  • Team meetings provide opportunities to explore conflict of interest situations and how they might best be managed. 

Gifts and Hospitality. 

  • C4F has a no gift or hospitality policy for all employees. It is a serious criminal offence for staff to corruptly receive or give any gift, loan, fee, reward, or advantage for doing, or not doing, anything in connection with their duties. This also applies to showing favour or disfavour. 

  • All paid and unpaid staff must be informed of this policy during the induction process. 

  • All gifts and hospitality that are declined must also be recorded immediately after the 

an offer is made, and the Centre Manager is informed of the matter. 

  • All paid and unpaid staff must not accept any fee or reward whatsoever other than 

their proper contractual pay. 

  • All paid and unpaid staff must never solicit gifts and hospitality 

  • All paid and unpaid staff make sure that they explain politely to the giver why a 

returned gift cannot be accepted 

  • It must be specifically noted that gifts of alcohol, hampers, or other articles which 

could be misinterpreted by the public or assume a more serious importance in any form of future enquiry or investigation, must not be accepted. 


Support & Supervision Policy and Procedures. 


Recruitment For Staff Policy