C4F Nappy Changing, Toileting and Intimate Care Policy
This policy is designed to ensure the privacy and dignity of children, regardless of their age and stage of development. It is reflective of health, hygiene and safety procedures.
· C4F will provide a specific toilet and changing area which will be clean, and stocked with handwashing and hand drying facilities
· C4F can provide sanitary products in an emergency if required
· Parents/carers visiting the centre will be required to provide and bring their own nappies, baby wipes, creams and any other relevant products
· C4F staff members and volunteers will not change nappies, toilet or wash children at any time
· C4F staff will not undertake any intimate care tasks for a child
· If required, parents/carers are required to provide a change of clean clothes for children using the centre
· C4F staff will not accompany a child to the toilet in the absence of a parent/carer
· C4F staff will discuss and agree a toileting plan regarding any child who is at the potty-training stage with parent/carer, e.g., frequency of prompts given to child or parent providing a change of clean clothes.
· C4F staff will provide guidance and support to parents who are new to changing nappies or teaching toileting skills to their children
· If a child is at a developmental stage where they can self-toilet, this independent act is actively encouraged, in line with child needs, and the child should not require any adult/ parental supervision whilst using the bathroom
· Parents/ carers will be required to leave the toilet and nappy changing area clean and tidy
· C4F staff will always adhere to safeguarding policies
· C4F staff will be familiar with alternative methods used by individual children who have SEND to communicate toileting needs such a signal or gesture (such as a Makaton sign for non-verbal children)
· C4F will conduct inductions with new staff members and volunteers to ensure they are familiar with the nappy changing, toileting and intimate care policy
● Agreed: 02/10/2023
Sam Bradley - C4F Director signed:
Review date: 02/10/24