Emergency Plan
Fire Alarm Tests
The fire alarm bells should be tested weekly. Staff/service users should be advised that a test is taking place and that staff /service users are not required to take any action.
To account for all present in the building, it is vital that all visitors sign the visitors’ book in reception on arrival and departure.
Please ensure that any fire doors are not propped open. It would be appreciated if you could close any which you find open.
Offices and walkways are to be kept clear of obstacles. Papers and files may not be stored on the floor at any time.
Fire Procedures
If you discover a fire, sound the alarm by breaking the glass at the closest alarm point.
Do not attempt to tackle the fire with a fire extinguisher or fire blanket if doing so would place your safety at risk.
If the fire alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately by following the signed fire escape route, closing doors behind you, and assemble in the designated assembly point. You are responsible for encouraging the service users you are with to evacuate the building with you.
Dial (9) 999 to call the fire brigade.
Do not return to the building until the fire brigade has declared it safe to do so.
Personal Safety
Before conducting interviews at the Centre with clients where there are safety concerns, workers should ensure that reception or another staff member is informed of their whereabouts so that the situation can be monitored.
When a rapid response is required, call 999
For less immediate threats call Police Station on 101.
Accident Reporting
All accidents/incidents/assaults/near misses must be recorded and reported to the person responsibility for Health and Safety and the line manager.
The parent/carer must be informed of any incident/accident that occurs in the centre using the accident notification forms.
First Aid
A first aid box is located in the kitchen area and another in the office.
A list of trained first aiders is displayed beside the first aid box. They are also displayed throughout the building.
Emergency Contacts
The emergency contact person in the first instance is the senior member of staff on duty.
Emergencies relating to security of the building should be reported to Sam Bradley on 07794 777780, or the police
A full list of emergency contact numbers can be found in the office in the Emergency Information file.
Emergency Number - 999
OUT OF HOURS EDT Emergency duty team children social care:
London Borough of Hounslow -
Telephone: 020 8583 6600 option 2
Email: childrensocialcare@hounslow.gov.uk
Out of hours: After 5pm weekdays or weekends
Telephone 020 8583 2222 and ask to speak to the duty social worker
Surrey County council - The C-SPA is based at County Hall and acts as the front door to children's services in Surrey. The C-SPA provides residents and people who work with children in Surrey with direct information, advice and guidance about where and how to find the appropriate support for children and families. Availability: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Phone: 0300 470 9100
Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 to speak to our emergency duty team.
Email: emails are dealt with during normal office hours
For concerns for a child or young person: cspa@surreycc.gov.uk
For concerns for an adult: ascmash@surreycc.gov.uk
CHILD CONTACT CENTRE MANAGER - Sam Bradley - 07794 777780
POLICE - 999 in emergencies or 101
BURGLAR ALARMS - Feltham Hill Infant school-020 8890 3814
EMERGENCY BUILDING REPAIRS - Feltham Hill Infant school -020 8890 3814
GAS and ELECTRICITY BOARD - Feltham Hill Infant school. - 020 8890 3814
WATER BOARD- Feltham Hill Infant school. -020 8890 3814