Equality & Diversity
C4F Statement of Intent welcomes & supports the diversity of the communities served. We believe that equality of opportunity & freedom from discrimination are fundamental in creating an environment in which the learning & talents of individuals can flourish, & that the services offered are accessible & relevant to all in the community groups.
Related legislation.
Equality Act 2010
Responsibility for Equality & Diversity.
The C4F manager is responsible for ensuring this policy is implemented & monitored.
All staff have individual responsibilities for promoting equality & diversity & challenging those who do not do so. Staff should regularly review their own working practices & attend relevant training to improve their knowledge & understanding of equality & diversity.
Fostering equality & Diversity.
Every effort is made to prevent discrimination against staff, families, children, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, and any discriminatory, behaviour will be challenged. C4F is strongly committed to challenging both covert and overt discrimination wherever it takes place.
In support of this, the staff will:
Provide resources, toys, books, and all other play materials, activities and displays that will reflect and promote our equality & diversity policy and represent ethnicity, gender & disability in a positive way.
Challenge discrimination in any form, where it is harmful, unproductive & is against our policy for equal opportunities, as such, is unacceptable in this establishment.
Provide a positive environment, which promotes better knowledge & understanding of the World around us.
Offer play & learning experiences which will encourage interaction between children & adults in ways that promote trust, mutual understanding 7 respect & which raise self-esteem & self-worth.
Help children develop an understanding of people’s differences & encourage them to celebrate different cultures & festivals.